Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Costumes Cork HELP! My Daughter Has A Dressing Up Day At School Thursday And I'm Stuck For Ideas?

HELP! My daughter has a dressing up day at school thursday and i'm stuck for ideas? - costumes cork

The theme is all countries are traditional dress of their country of their choice or something that the country is making, for example, would be Australia's hat with corks (you get the idea), but I'm stuck for ideas have a country in which the process would not be difficult or easy to do because I am from the end :-(
Thank you for reading


laura231... said...

If you can (or borrow) the fine material, perhaps to shed, curtains veil, etc. may have to be wrapped around him and a sari. Get cheap and painted faces, Bindi and add a decorative style developed henna. They look great and it is easier / cheaper / faster option I can think of x,

dollyday... said...

Why look beyond our own May Queen
with traditional floral head-dress (and a maypole with ribbons hanging miniature it.in course.) be only a paper tube with the ribbons attached in turn. Or
Photos on the Internet in search of ideas for the costumes.
then one must choose materials to go with him.

crystal said...

U Can Do Mexicans. sombraro colorful clothing?

Fuggi uggs Australia / with a cute jacket and hat.

kate_lov... said...

autrailier is good! Top vest, hat with corks (as shown) and 3.4 pants and flip-flops:)

Music Lover said...

What about the Ukraine is easy
http://goeasteurope.about.com/od/otherco ...

Kelly... said...

A kimono representing China and Japan?

Maddalyns mom said...

Why not just the United States?

Maddalyns mom said...

Why not just the United States?

Kirsty W said...

What a girl cow thats cheap:) only one pair of jeans, boots and straw hat, magic-shirt:)

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