Friday, December 11, 2009

Period During Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms What Is The Most Critical Time Period During Pregnancy?

What is the most critical time period during pregnancy? - period during pregnancy more condition_symptoms

Hello, I am now 4 weeks pregnant with my second child and for some reason this time I'm so paranoid with a miscarriage. Maybe it's because I learned of my pregnancy until the fist. In any case, my question is, when the period is more likely to have a miscarriage?


chuckie4... said...

The first quarter is the most critical moment, and if they tend to have an abortion. Unfortunately, this does not make you feel better, right? You probably know what to do to take care of babies, you do it and enjoy baby # 1 Mostly things are going well.


chuckie4... said...

The first quarter is the most critical moment, and if they tend to have an abortion. Unfortunately, this does not make you feel better, right? You probably know what to do to take care of babies, you do it and enjoy baby # 1 Mostly things are going well.


nocturni... said...

first quarter

Daniel L said...

The first 3 months are critical.

The fetus develops new organs in the first three months. Then the child is much greater.

It is therefore important to leave early if you are pregnant, to recognize and do good. You should not smoke, drink alcohol or take any medication without consulting your doctor.


Joe P said...

1. nine weeks

aliza199... said...

80% of all abortions occur before 12 weeks of pregnancy. And the feeling paranoid, what is the possibility of error normally. I am pregnant with my fourth child, and I was with them. I am 14 weeks tomorrow and I feel now that everything is okay, although I had no problems so far.

Good luck!

tianjing... said...

The first 12 weeks are most critical of a miscarriage. After the frequency drops dramatically.

sasa said...

In the first quarter, the first 4 months. u need lots of rest and do well on most miscarage. Congratulations and good luck

bossy said...

The first 13 weeks or after the fourth miscrriage drops dramatically.

therego2 said...

Miscarriages are more frequent before 12 weeks.

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