Thursday, December 31, 2009

Alcatel Modem USB DSL Modem And Ethernet WiFi Router?

USB DSL Modem and ethernet WiFi Router? - alcatel modem


I have an Alcatel SpeedTouch USB modem, and I want to add a wireless router to be able to. The problem with my wireless router with an Ethernet port. I heard that I can use my computer to the Ethernet port to share the installation work and carry out my internet access with my other computers. Can you please help. Thank you!


juliepel... said...

From what I understand, there are three options:
- It is very complex! Get to configure a wireless adapter for the PC and the router, all packets directly from another computer in this context. Be on the share of Internet connection options must be enabled.
- Get a router modem.
- Get an ethernet modem router and replaced by one with Ethernet connections.

As you can see your current computer to function does not allow configuration.

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